Thursday 31 January 2013

Here Today - Gone Tomorrow?

Hi, We have decided to stay put until the wind dies down a bit and enjoy the peace in the countryside, we took the dogs for a long walk after a full English breakfast.Mud was every where and as we neared the boat the dogs became suspicious ( rightly so ) that a full on wash was coming their way, Archie took it with a degree of 'Oh no not again, just get it over with', Bella was trying to hide, not easy on an exposed tow path, dirty deed now done,both casualties now recovering in front of the fire. 
Lunch time and we wandered down to a pub to get away from accusing looks from the dogs, we had passed it yesterday and could have moored there but thought it was too close.

BOAT SPOT     Bathroom.

As you would expect we do have a bath room on board, we call it the en' suit  ..... but then everything is on a small boat .... but hey !
Good shower rather than a bath

Neat sink unit 

Mini auto washer - takes a 3.5kg load - cost twice as much as an ordinary sizes washer!
Weather permitting we'll move tomorrow - destination Middlewich Branch, to be confirmed. First we'll have to call at Caverley Service station (elsan disposal point and fresh water fill up)

Bye for now

Baz and Ali

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