Saturday 12 January 2013


Due to the uncertain weather forecast we are still in Nantwich enjoying the facilities of a very pleasant Town.
First thing this morning we cleaned the interior of the boat which is both a frustrating and a satisfying task - frustrating because of tight spaces and hidden corners and satisfying in that its done fairly quickly and we were soon sat down enjoying a cup of coffee admiring our efforts!
We headed off to the town, Barrie had read in 'Canal Companion' and I quote:

'Keep a tight rein on your womenfolk - without firm male guidance they will run amok in the town's fine clothes, shoes, and household's goods outlets'
Cheek! Actually our purchases from Nantwich so far include a water carrier, food supplies, beer and some thick socks for Ali (hardly Gucci)!

Anyway Baz took some photos around the town and here they are.

 High Street with its tempting shops - husbands keep a close check on your wives..........
In the picture on the left you can glimpse St. Mary's Church from The Town Square.

As you can see from the above picture Nantwich has it's fair share of charity shops,however what we have noticed is that unlike other towns we've seen recently Nantwich does seem to be thriving and has a really good mix of quality shops,restaurants, pubs and other places of interest. Blog again soon - Ali and Baz. 

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