Friday 11 January 2013

Batten down the hatches?

Rumour has it there might be some freezing weather coming so after a breakfast of porridge we quickly prepped the boat for moving so that we could fill up with water,stock up with coal and empty the loo cassette. Getting the boat ready to move usually goes like this: Baz moves any breakables off the shelves,Baz takes down the pram hood (covers the Stern),Baz takes the telly ariel down, Baz fixes the tiller on and starts to untie the mooring ropes - during all this Ali (me) dithers a bit,puts on several layers including hat and gloves and 2 pairs of socks,then Ali dithers a bit more,finally Baz calls down 'you nearly ready?' to which Ali replies 'think so.....' then she wanders up to hold the centre line while Baz runs around with the bow and stern ropes. As we move off Ali thinks 'oh, I forgot my make-up, never mind, next time...'

Baz pre - winding (nautical 3 point turn)

Relief - got boat round with not too much drama!

Looking back from the stern, a grey January day in Cheshire.

So we filled and emptied, after that we cruised a little way up the canal, 'winded' (turned around) then came back to almost the same mooring that we left 2 hours earlier, after settling the boat in, the coffee pot went on and biscuit tin came out - it's a hard life.......

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