Friday 15 February 2013

Ali Stops the Traffic

Well we survived yesterdays marathon or is it snickers (showing my age there) just, if we had moored somewhere nice we would think it worth the effort, but to end up with mud we were never going to feel happy with the spot, and the poor dogs looked off the back of the boat at the sticky mess, then back at us in disgust,
So bright and early I walked up the cut and found a relatively dry spot and we decided to move out of Wrenbury and it's waterside pubs into the wilderness.......well a mile up the cut.
The very first obstacle was a powered lift road bridge, this involved putting on the stop lights to halt the traffic,closing the barrier, then lifting the bridge for Mickey Jay to slip through. well at first Ali was nervous about it all but managed it without drama holding the traffic for only a few minutes, the problem was getting her back on the boat afterwards as she rather liked stopping the cars rushing along and was happy to wait for any cars that looked as though they were speeding........with a promise of a chocolate biscuit with the coffee we picked her up and were away...    worryingly Ali pointed out that we would have to come back the same way. 
Micky Jay waiting to move under the bridge.

looking back things are normal again .......For Now  
line of holiday rental boats waiting for the silly season.....gulp 

our peaceful ......dryish  mooring for tonight
So we have had a more relaxing day, with just some light boat cleaning sneaking in, though not enough to spoil that nice 'friday' feeling. Ali's family are planning a trip up to see us early next week - probably staying overnight at Whitchurch. We'll meander down towards Whitchurch and look forward to seeing them there.
Bye for now
Baz and Ali


  1. It looks lovely up there, especially now there's a bit of sunshine.

    1. Yes, it's really pleasant and dare we say it - spring like?
