Saturday 16 February 2013

Go West

After a peaceful night at Wrenbury we woke up to frosty weather, Ali took the dogs for their early morning run, Baz sorted the fire out and put the coffee on the stove top.
After breakfast we set off for Grindley Brook working through four locks on the way. The countryside was looking great as the sun broke through and we both agreed that we should never take this more relaxed lifestyle for granted - yes of course it has ups and downs but when the canal passes near to roads we are reminded of the stresses and strains of our old way of life and feel glad that it's not us treading hard on the gas pedal to get to work.
We wanted to moor just before Grindley Locks because there are another six locks there including a staircase of three, which can be tricky to work until you've had some practice,(which we haven't) so a bit of R&R is in order before we tackle them on monday morning!
We have only seen three other moving boats today, but as news travels that the Llangollen is now fully open again and the weather improves (hopefully) it is bound to get busier.
Last night's gorgeous sunset seen from the bow of M.J. 
Watch out for the Piranha 
Water road to Grindley Brook 
By-wash coming from the left - will catch unsuspecting Narrowboats emerging from the bridge, thus pushing them into the side,especially difficult if combined with a cross wind. 
Welcome sign of spring 
All in all a lovely day, another nice mooring and Sunday lunch booked as a treat at the Horse and Jockey a short walk away.
Bye for now
Ali and Baz


  1. Oh man it makes me want to Jack it all in and hit the water!

  2. you never know in life do you Gav.
