Sunday 24 February 2013

Bad Hair Day

It was that time again,the dogs hair is too long and at £50.00 for the pair at a dog parlour it had to be a D.I.Y. job much to the terror and disgust of the two ( now wise to signs of the forthcoming saga ) Yorkshire Terrorists.Bella who is by far the worst was first to endure,every snip of scissor is immediately followed by her head turning to the noise, we worry she will hurt herself one day, anyway two hours later the dogs are done and don't want to be seen in public for a few weeks we have cleared up the mess and everybody is sat recovering from the the ordeal.We had hoped to show some pictures of the work but fear complaints from dog lovers.
So we decided to go for a walk to get the air and see the aqueduct we plan to cross tomorrow, on seeing it Ali immediately wanted to carry out a risk assessment and I found it hard not to agree, one side is below the level of the boat 2" thick then a drop of 140 feet to a sudden stop at the bottom, the dogs will be secured to the boat, think I will be too! and maybe tie the boat to the railings on the path side as well, we must remember to check before stepping off that there is something solid to put a foot on.

Aqueduct viewed from a distance - still looks quite intimidating

We had a good walk,on the way back Barrie spotted a log and decided to carry it back for our 'log stash',after a mile and a half it didn't seem like such a good idea, we are certainly turning into hunter gatherers!
There's been a few stoical walkers and cyclists around today but very few boats seen.

Bye for now
Baz and Ali


  1. Replies
    1. Gav ,It is , no photos as both busy not looking,feels like when you hit the low side it will just break and we all tumble down, we have to go back the same way ! hope you all ok Baz

    2. Yeah all ok here thanks. adjusting to country life and a commute that involves driving!

  2. As always great pics/blog! Cant wait to see tomorrow's Good luck with the Aqueduct!

    X Chrissie

  3. Ditto Gav's comment - scary stuff!

    1. Hi Phil it was, no photos as we were both busy not looking down ! it looks like if you hit it ,it would just break it really looks flimsy, hope you ok Baz
