Tuesday 12 February 2013

Bags of Fun

After Ali's raid on the nice side of shopping, thought we had better show the other side, all our stuff has to be carried from wherever we shop, and that varies in the level of difficulty from town to town, Nantwich is OK for choice, but the supermarkets are over a mile away, fine if you can live on crisps and cupasoups but we tend to go for the heavy stuff - yup - beer and wine...no,only kidding...a bit.  
Today we were in Aldi, brave of us after all the bad press at the weekend, Ali was desperate to ask staff for directions to the " NEDDY " meal section and they had  HORSE radish sauce clearly on view,( now we know what it's to go with ). But Ali has come up with a carriage solution......Me, with a little encouragement I can be persuaded to lug it back, she starts with " that's too heavy for you to carry " knowing it's like a red rag to a bull, then as I begin to flag she uses other tricks.
nearly there.

better than a carrot, hot cheese pasty also found to work .
We have been known to venture into the exciting world of Tesco online grocery shopping, and a jolly good service it is too (other retailers are available) but you do need to be moored in a reasonably recognisable spot and be planning to stay there for a few days. Anyway once more the cupboards and fridge are well stocked and if the expected snow comes we won't be hungry, if the weather is ok we'll be prepared to move on.

Bye for now
Baz and Ali