Monday 11 February 2013

Mugs with Maggots

Sunday here was a drab wet affair, with that came a collection of "mugs with maggots " (fishermen) as they have been known for over a century, as well as the point of fishing for inedible tiny fish in dirty water on a rubbish day, they also hog the towpath with all their umbrellas and junk they seem to need to tackle these fierce tiny predators of the cut and force others to walk in the mud, it's so tempting to just push them in !!  Stop it Barrie.
Is it a Barrow boy ? no just a trolley full of fishing kit !

they hide behind the brollies ...the shame of it !
Monday we decided to have our batteries checked, I had spent a couple of hours testing each of the 24 cells and it had told me nothing, in fact it confused us more as one battery was saying it was fully charged when it should not be, so we gave up and had a professional opinion £££££   We now have one new battery out of the four domestic bank and are waiting to see if things get better.
So have watered up and are now back in the town for some food shopping tomorrow then we will have a few days in the country permitting of course.
Yesterday was a day 'busy doing nothing' - today out of necessity has been quite full on, by the time we put the kettle on for a brew this pm it was 3.30!
We'll see what tomorrow brings.......

Bye for now
Baz and Ali

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