Thursday 21 February 2013

The Mere

After a dull cold day yesterday we found it had a twin, do hope that's it for we plan to move tomorrow  and the need to wrap up like a Michelin man does not appeal, it's not that you feel a twit but that you look like one as you try to bend down for mooring etc and fall around like drunks as the the combination of cold and not moving for a couple of hours meets bulky clothing and hopping onto bows,bending down to the water to thread chains and such like,one of us will end up falling in - probably me. 
Today after a quick stock take we popped into Tesco for a couple of fresh things....came out with 6 carrier bags and a rucksack full enough to remind be of my squaddie days.....when will we learn ? we then took the dogs for a walk in the country park next to our mooring, they both love running in the woods trying to be little terriers......we did catch them sniffing the snow drops which lets the terrier side of them down a bit. 
I am getting and vanilla....what about you ?
The Mere visitor centre
Island in this mini lake district.

As we are writing this Ali is commenting darkly that snow is forecast for tomorrow  We'll see what the morning brings and then decide if we move on to Hindford Bridge where we are told there is a nice waterside pub.
Bye for now
Baz and Ali 

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