Monday 21 January 2013

Brassed off.......

Still snow bound so today we've been doing some cleaning.

 Although our narrowboat is modern inside there's
 still plenty of brass to be polished!

Super shiny mirror!
We also did some hoovering (apologies to Miele) not as straightforward as it sounds on Micky Jay. First the engine has to be started and the 'Travel pac' generator switched on (engine driven alternator, in conjunction with the inverter produces 240 volts) then one of us works from bow to stern trying not to bump into too much as we go - of course with the solid fuel stove going day and night we are getting very dusty.
Ali walked up to the wharf launderette with a large load of washing, we can't do our own laundry at the moment as we are being frugal with water and drying of clothes is a real problem. It will be a service wash and cost about £11 - still got to keep clean!

We are watching the weather forecasts closely as we would like to move this week, at the moment it's not looking good.
The swans tapping at the window to be fed.

It's quite eerie on the cut at the moment - very quiet, only one or two boats go by each day. Folk are staying put and staying indoors as much as possible.

We'll let you know how plans to move go.

Bye for now
Ali and Baz


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