Tuesday 5 February 2013

High Winds

As the evening went on the wind grew in strength, we always start to wonder how well we tied the mooring lines and what have we left on the roof that could blow away/open, as it turned out all was fine but you have to check, we would be terrible with a sea going boat for sure.
     The waves coming down the cut ( I know "waves" -  hardly going to surf on them but what else can we call them ? ) hit the side of the boat making regular glooping noises, this sounds really nice for the first hour but then starts resulting in trips to the loo, a pest when tucked up trying to get to sleep !
     Ali has taken Bella and our current bank account out for some exercise, for Bella a booster at the vets, and the account to enable the vet to carry out a smash and grab on our meagre funds!
 We are going to plan the next few days travel later, its hard to decide where to go first, this is not helped by the winter canal closures, for as you plan a route and check, you find a lock closed or is going to close at the wrong time for the plan, but we will come up with something.
waves on the cut !!. 

Nude tree shocks countryside.... 
Welcome sight after a blowy night 
As we finish writing this blog it's already looking like rain, perhaps we were being optimistic having salad for lunch but we are souped and stewed out! 
Sleet is forecast and has arrived....
Bye for now
Baz and Ali