Thursday 28 February 2013

Wash and Go

We have decided to move on tomorrow morning, or move back to be more accurate, this of course seems to mean a heavy cleaning session is required taking most of the day ( what fun ) we are still using the washing machine all day while we have the power hook up,getting to the point where we are washing things like tea cosys engine 'ole rags well anything that wont take brasso goes in the drum, most come here to walk the hills we came to clean them !!We did get to see our t.v.program as I managed to get a good picture after changing the mount of the aerial,loads of brownie points but not enough to keep a cloth being thrust at me this morning,( oh how we forget ) we have also switched on and filled the small chest freezer mainly cos the sun is out and somebody wanted ice names.... but we now are ready for a few quite days in the sticks.
                                The cause of the cleaning Blitz   Daffodils  = Spring  =  Cleaning.
                              Ali showing just how narrow the canal is in places here in Llangollen

We have really enjoyed the sun,and are hoping for good weather again tomorrow for the move and that B.....  aqueduct,as we are going over the same ground apologies in advance if we repeat ourselves .
Bye for now
Baz n Ali


  1. That canal looks like one of the water chutes at a theme park lol! You guys are doing a sterling job of navigation. Nice to see the daffs is nt it . So far I have nt been suffering from spring cleaning fever Ha ha lots of love to you both and Long may the sun shine! We ve had some today too :-) X

    1. Yes it is a bit like a chute,and like a chute if you get it wrong the stone sides soon point it out to you and correct you !

  2. The canal is not unlike the roads down these parts.
