Thursday 14 March 2013

Brass Monkeys

We woke up to a cold morning,the canal had frozen overnight and the rear cover ( pram hood ) had frozen too making un-zipping in difficult, as it was so cold Ali thought I should get out of bed and try the new camera outside to catch the sun rise,my suggestion of artistic shots of my feet under the duvet was barely considered before it's outright rejection by the afore mentioned, so a real test for the image stabiliser on the camera as my hands, arms etc shook from sudden extreme change of temperature, the first early ducks looked on with pity as I stumbled around on the stern and walked off across the ice, ---so no duck shots then !

the early shots taken from the stern, smoke from the reviving fire beckoned my return to the inside.

Ali and Archie give encouragement from the warmth of the boat as I take pictures .

We plan on staying here for a couple of days to enjoy the peace and quite,the last time we were here we had the place to ourselves, now there are a few more boats around us as spring gets closer, boats are coming out of hibernation from the marinas and soon the tourist hire boats will join us all too. 

So Ali is getting out the paints and I am starting a new book..........sounds ok to me.

bye for now
Baz and Ali


  1. Lovely photos, Baz - really nice. Obviously, as always, it's the photo of Archie I relish the most, of course.

    Would love to see pics of Mum's progress as she starts painting.

    Love to you both.

  2. Thanks Phil, will try to get more shots of the" boy" for you, as for pics best you tackle her !
