Wednesday 13 March 2013

About Turn

 Some of the ducks at Nantwich should be issued with Asbos! They have a tendency to start quacking very early in the morning when most good folk still want to be abed - never mind we had decided on a fairly early start today and had begun our cruise to the Middlewich Arm of the Shroppie by 8. a.m. Part of the journey involved a 'wind', in other words a sort of boating '3 point turn'.
Here are some pictures of winding:

Put Bow into winding 'ole 

Halfway round 

Starting to point the other way 

Nearly there 

Turn completed - on course 

Most cruises involve a stop off at a services area, these are mainly provided by Canal and River Trust (formerly British Waterways) and are partly what we pay our licence fee for. There is a water tap(s), toilets and loo emptying, shower(s) and rubbish disposal. Because quite a few service areas are close by Marinas its often possible to stock up on coal and fill up with diesel too.

 Fill up, flush out and load the coal on the roof - Ali can be seen supervising water fill! 

We had sunshine all the way on today's short cruise and although we've been in this mooring before, we are seeing it from a completely different viewpoint as we are a full 3 feet further along on the mooring rings than we were last time round!

Bye for now
Ali and Baz

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