Saturday 9 March 2013

Rain Doesn't Stop Play

We are dry and warm again after our dripping arrival in Nantwich. This morning we hit the shops early for some essentials.....cheese from the stall on the market and some second hand d.v.d s again from the not the cheese stall the market !  Well  7 d.v.d.s cost £6.00 they are great for us ,particularly if we are in a no t.v. signal area or more usually there is nothing on worth the time or battery power to watch.
There are plenty of hobby items on board to keep us busy on rainy days like today, the one we both want to do more of is art, we have lots of kit some good ideas for subject matter but alas little technical knowledge ..ok No technical knowledge we are both the type who expect to turn out a show-able peace of work in 30 mins of splashing around and of course it's never going to happen like that, oh well plenty of time to learn at least, we have games ,books, and of course cleaning, so really never nothing to do.

Rainy afternoon consolation........

Today's view from the galley window 

and canalside view 

Welcome visitors to the stern - note the 'action shot' - piece of bread just about to be caught by the swan on the left!

There has been a steady succession of boats passing by today, folk on the tillers head to foot in waterproofs, we are glad to be in the dry and warm, oh and did Baz mention it........there happens to be a bit of Rugby on the box!

Bye for now

Ali and Baz

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